Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Free" Samples at a Cost

What is the most expensive drug my doctor can give me?
The most expensive drug your doctor can give you is a FREE sample. How can
this be the most expensive drug if it’s free? The answer is that once you have
used the samples, you then have to get a prescription filled at the pharmacy
to continue treatment. The samples you were given were of a brand name only
drug. You’ll never see a generic drug on a pen or coffee cup from the drug 
manufacturer. Why? Generic drugs are inexpensive. Only brand name drugs are
given as samples from the doctor’s office. When you go to the pharmacy for 
your brand name drug, you and your insurance company will both be paying
more money. You will have a brand name copay, and your insurance company
will have to pay more money to the pharmacy. This will happen every month 
you get your prescription filled. How else will the drug manufacturer recoup the
money that was used for the thousands of pens and mugs they gave away free
to healthcare providers? If you’re a patient on Medicare D, what happens when
you hit your donut hole and you have to pay for that brand name drug out of 
pocket 100%?

Another concerning issue is from the standpoint of safety. Generic drugs were 

once brand name drugs. They too were brand name only and sold at higher 
copays and prices until their patents expired. However, if they are still on the
market, this demonstrates both the drug’s safety and efficacy through 
post-marketing surveillance. The new brand name drug that you get samples 
of has recently hit the market and is still not known whether it is 100% safe. 
Look at Vioxx, Bextra, Propulsid, and Baycol. All of them made it through 
three stages of clinical trials and were granted FDA approval for being safe and 
effective, yet when they were given to people nationwide, there were some major 
problems with safety concerns. So who’s to say this sample brand name drug you
were recently given won’t be subject to the same scrutiny a year from now? It’s 
scary when you think about the possibilities. Generic drugs offer therapeutic 
results with lower costs to both the patient and insurance company alike and have 
been proven safe because they have been on the market for many years and are
still being prescribed. Generic utilization drives down the cost of prescription 
drugs period. A brand name drug may be needed to treat your condition but 
ask your prescriber to consider trying a generic first..